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Gemstoppers - Amethyst Cluster

Gemstoppers - Amethyst Cluster

High-end wine bottle stoppers are perfect for anyone that loves wine, loves things from nature, or even aspiring geologist. Made from real gemstones and minerals.

Additional Product Details
UPC # 817441016589
Manufacturer Zee's Creation
Model / Item Number GS3002
Case Quantity 0 (case quantity not required)
Country of Origin CHINA
Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 1.75 (D) x 1.75 (W) x 5.00 (H) inches
Dimensions (Metric) 4.445 (D) x 4.445 (W) x 12.7 (H) centimeters
Categories Stoppers
Tags Wine
Nature is a stress reliever from God. Take time today to listen to the birds sing!