Dragonflies whizzing through the reeds. Buzzing bees around a beehive. Slippery snails crawling through the grass. Discover a world of busy bugs and make them wiggle, hop, and flop!
Beautifully illustrated, Busy Bug Hotel features a slider on each page — creating movement with each push, pull, or turn.
It's the perfect introduction to nature and bugs for young kids!
Additional Product Details | |
UPC # | 9781641244466 |
Manufacturer | Fox Chapel Publishing |
Model / Item Number | FCP1641244466 |
Case Quantity | 1 (case quantity not required) |
Country of Origin | CHINA |
Weight | 0.96 lbs |
Dimensions | 0.28 (D) x 7.46 (W) x 8.66 (H) inches |
Dimensions (Metric) | 0.7112 (D) x 18.9484 (W) x 21.9964 (H) centimeters |
Categories | Children's Books |
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