Bernard the Wolf wears glasses, but he still can't see very well. Help him find his friend, Michael the Squirrel, as he plays hide-and-seek deep within the forest to sharpen Bernard's vision. Also included are additional activities to develop your own observation and critical thinking skills, from finding the odd one out in the group to spotting who has an upset stomach. You'll have hours of fun searching for over 100 hidden objects and animals!
Additional Product Details | |
UPC # | 9781641240475 |
Manufacturer | Fox Chapel Publishing |
Model / Item Number | FCP1641240475 |
Case Quantity | 1 (case quantity not required) |
Country of Origin | CHINA |
Weight | 1.00 lbs |
Dimensions | 0.44 (D) x 7.64 (W) x 11.00 (H) inches |
Dimensions (Metric) | 1.1176 (D) x 19.4056 (W) x 27.94 (H) centimeters |
Categories | Children's Books |
Tags | Owl, Squirrel |