Catch a bug and pop him In the screened-in bug hut for closer inspection. The swing-up door gives easy access and lets you quickly release your bug friends back into the wild after you have had a good look.
Kit includes: 1 Mesh Critter Case, 1 Tweezers, and 1 Magnifier
Additional Product Details | |
UPC # | 645194780330 |
Manufacturer | Backyard Essentials |
Model / Item Number | BE506 |
Case Quantity | 1 (case quantity not required) |
Country of Origin | CHINA |
Weight | 0.00 lbs |
Dimensions | 5.75 (D) x 7.50 (W) x 7.00 (H) inches |
Dimensions (Metric) | 14.605 (D) x 19.05 (W) x 17.78 (H) centimeters |
Categories | Outdoor, Educational, Childrens |
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